All life is precious - no matter how it is conceived. I have learned this truth by the hard road of experience. I share my story of rape and abortion in the hope of sparing other women from the heartache I've known. I also want to encourage those suffering in the aftermath of an abortion that indeed God can help you pick up the pieces of your life again. He is truly bigger than your pain offering both forgiveness and hope. Hang in there...and feel free to contact me if you would like me to pray for you.
* A Tale of Two Women, a blog for Save-the-1, as it recently appeared at LifeSiteNews
* Assaulted by Molech at the March for Life - read my blog entry about the 2017 March for Life.
* Visit my YouTube Channel, Nicole's Heart Music (Music ministers to my heart. I'm adding more daily!)
Perhaps you have stumbled upon my website because you are looking for answers for your crisis pregnancy. Regardless of the circumstances which resulted in pregnancy, let me offer you this advice:
Make a choice you can LIVE with.
At the time of an unplanned, "crisis" pregnancy, you may feel your life is on hold and will never return to normal unless you have an abortion. Regardless of what you do, your life will never be the same again. Having an abortion will only compound the "problem" and give you a life of regret. Believe me, I know! I encourage you to look for a sympathetic ear from someone who doesn't stand to profit from your misfortune. Search for "abortion alternatives" or "pregnancy centers" in your phone book.